A floor saver is a safety device we put into the primary drain line of a system that’s in a closet, to protect wood floors and carpeting. It’s a small investment that could save you thousands.

Imagine coming home from a weeklong vacation and noticing that your beautiful wood floors are soaked and buckled. Come to find out, the drain line in your unit is clogged. Water is everywhere and you have thousands of dollars of damage.

When you have water running down a drain line, sometimes you get gunk built up in the coil. Well, that gunk gets in the water and causes build-up. A floor saver can prevent this from happening.

We’re in thousands of homes a year. We’ve seen the damage that can happen when a homeowner doesn’t have a floor saver on their system. It’s a couple of hundred dollars that could save you thousands. Call the On Time Experts at 281-694-7946.

Meet the Author
Randy Kelley
Randy Kelley


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